Strong corporate governance is an essential component of Capstone’s performance. Effective governance enables prudent risk management and decision-making, which contributes to shareholder value.

The Board of Directors’ mandate includes oversight and guidance of management to establish Capstone’s strategy and objectives, approving significant decisions that affect Capstone and its results, monitoring the company’s financial performance, setting the dividend policy and overseeing the company’s stakeholder relationships and reporting obligations. Capstone complies with all relevant governance requirements and policies of various Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Our approach to governance includes: 

  • A 7-person board; 
  • A requirement that the board’s audit committee be composed entirely of independent directors unless a director is exempt from such independence requirements under securities laws; 
  • Governance policies that apply equally to the individual businesses in our portfolio, which ensures consistency and reliability in reporting and risk management; 
  • A Code of Ethics that encourages and promotes a culture of ethical business conduct and must be followed by all directors, officers and employees of Capstone Infrastructure; and 
  • An annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the board and directors to ensure the Board of Directors is fulfilling its oversight role in the most effective manner.

The Audit Committee’s mandate includes overseeing:

  • The integrity of Capstone Infrastructure’s financial statements and reporting process;
  • The qualifications and independence of the company’s external auditors;
  • The work of the company’s financial management and external auditors; and
  • Providing an open avenue of communication between the external auditors, the Board of Directors and management.

The Corporate Governance and Compensation Committee’s mandate includes:

  • Reviewing and making recommendations on all forms of compensation to be granted to the directors and the Chief Executive Officer;
  • Reviewing the CEO’s recommendations regarding the compensation of the company’s senior executives;
  • Identifying and recommending to the Board of Directors qualified candidates to nominate for election as directors; Reviewing and revising, as applicable,
  • the company's approach to corporate governance issues;
  • Succession planning for senior management and the directors;
  • Overseeing the annual Board and committee assessment and director performance evaluation process; and
  • Overseeing compliance with the company's Code of Ethics.

Name Whistleblower Policy
Size 182.03 KB
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Name Corporate Governance & Compensation Charter
Size 167.7 KB
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Name Mandate of the Board of Directors
Size 128.8 KB
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Name Position Description for the Chair of the Board
Size 91.67 KB
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Name Articles and Bylaws
Size 2979.91 KB
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Name Corporate Governance Guidelines
Size 171.84 KB
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Name Audit Committee Charter
Size 127.06 KB
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Name Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Size 290.04 KB
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Name Health and Safety Policy
Size 735.36 KB
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Name Supplier Code of Conduct
Size 307.26 KB
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